Model Experiments on Slamming and Hull Girder Responses of a Bulk Carrier in Fully loaded Condition using Elastic Model Technique

Two kinds of experiments were conducted in regular waves. One was to measure distribution of hydrodynamic impact pressure due to bottom slamming of a wooden model in fully loaded condition of a bulk carrier.The other experiment was for longitudinal bending responses including whipping of an elastic model of the same hull form having elastic similarity to the actual ship in addition to geometric and hydrodynamic similarities.Based upon these experimental results, discussions were made on natures of hydrodynamic impact and whipping moment, effects of elasticity to the ship responses and the relationship between impact and whipping moments.It was concluded that the elastic model technique can be very useful to simulate actual hull girder responses in a model basin, the elasticity affects ship motions and hydrodynamic pressure little and that measured whipping moments can be correlated to the impact forces by taking “dynamic load factor” into account.