Next Generation Mix Design Procedures and Recommendations for Texas (Study 0-6132): Deliverable P1 Study 0-6132 [and supporting files]

Study 0-6132 has promoted the development and implementation of the balanced mix design (BMD) approach for selecting the optimal asphalt content for all of Texas Department of Transportation hot mix asphalts (HMA), including Item 341. In this approach the engineering properties are measured in both the laboratory design and the trial batch with both the Hamburg Wheel Track test (Tex Method 242F) and the Overlay test (Tex Method 248F). This document consists of: 3 file folders and a technical memo (21p.). File folder "1.0 in-service Hwy Sections + Performance Testing" includes 13 Technical Memos that summarize the lab tests, distress surveys, construction reports, and field performance evaluations of test sections constructed in the districts of Atlanta, Bryan, Laredo, and other districts. File folder "2.0 APT + HMA Performance Testing" consists of a summary report, "APT-ALF Testing at LTRC in Louisiana" (16p.), of work completed and key findings during development of an Accelerated Pavement Testing program completed with the assistance of Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC). File folder "3.0 Draft Specification for Item 341" includes two editions (.pdf and .docx) of: "SPECIAL SPECIFICATION 3XXX Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt" (42p.).