Valuing Pollination as an Ecosystem Services: The Case of Hand Pollination for Cocoa Production in Ghana

The promotion of cocoa farm productivity has necessitated the intensification of input use with ensuing loss of natural pollinators. Ghana Cocoa Board’s (COCOBOD) remedy to declining pollinator population is addressed in the rolling out of hand pollination in the 2016/17 crop year. Applying contingent valuation on field data covering 608 farmers in five cocoa growing regions, we estimate the value of pollinator services to the cocoa industry in Ghana and farmers willingness to pay for the service. We find that cocoa farmers in Ghana are willing to pay for hand pollination to improve on their farm yields. Farmers averagely value pollinator services at $1.3 per acre of land. Extrapolated to cover all cultivated cocoa lands for 2017/18 crop year, the value of pollinator services to Ghana’s cocoa industry is averagely $6.1 million per annum. Hand pollination can improve cocoa farms yields given the statistically significant mean difference in yields between hand-pollinated and non-hand-pollinated farms. Having established the loss to the cocoa industry from pollinator decline and the need for effective pollination to support crop productivity, it is imperative for COCOBOD to ramp up strategies at preserving cocoa farm ecology to safe guard the industry.

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