Error‐phase compensation properties of differential phase‐shifting algorithms for Fizeau fringe patterns
Many researches have been reported on error‐compensating Phase‐Shifting Algorithms (PSAs) that eliminate or minimize the main error sources during the corresponding phase‐evaluation process. However this kind of analyses have not been carried out in a similar way with respect to the Differential Phase‐Shifting Algorithms (DPSAs) that provide directly the phase‐difference between two fringe patterns, being unnecessary the previous calculation of each individual optical phase or even the phase‐unwrapping process, if the phase‐difference is small. In previous works we have studied, by numerical simulation and in a linear approximation, the quantitative response of several families of DPSAs to detuning errors, nonlinearities of detector and harmonics of the signal, achieving satisfactory results that improve those obtained subtracting the two phases calculated separately with PSAs and that provide valuable information related with the sensibilities of the analysed DPSAs. In this work the combined effect of th...