Reaction Wheel Disturbance Modeling, Jitter Analysis, and Validation Tests for Solar Dynamics Observatory

The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) aims to study the Sun's influence on the Earth by understanding the source, storage, and release of the solar energy, and the interior structure of the Sun. During science observations, the jitter stability at the instrument focal plane must be maintained to less than a fraction of an arcsecond for two of the SDO instruments. To meet these stringent requirements, significant amount of analysis and test effort have been devoted to predicting the jitter induced from various disturbance sources. One of the largest disturbances onboard is the reaction wheel. This paper presents the SDO approach on reaction wheel disturbance modeling and jitter analysis. It describes the verification and calibration of the disturbance model, and ground tests performed for validating the reaction wheel jitter analysis. To mitigate the reaction wheel disturbance effects, the wheels will be limited to operate at low wheel speeds based on the current analysis. An on-orbit jitter test algorithm is also presented in the paper which will identify the true wheel speed limits in order to ensure that the wheel jitter requirements are met.