미시적 시뮬레이션을 활용한 고속도로 요금소 교통운영방안 분석

During one of the holiday breaks last year I attended a National Conference of Catholic Secondary School Principals. One of the keynote speakers spoke of the ‘Average Australian’. These were some of the interesting statistics presented to this assembly of Principals. The average Australian:  is 37 years old  lives in a relationship before marriage  was married at 31 by a civil marriage celebrant  most probably will not divorce  has 1.7 (increasingly unbaptised) children  lives in one of the largest houses we have ever built  carries $3,100 in monthly debts  loses $931 a year gambling  donates $207 to charity  has someone in their family who is chronically depressed  answers the question, ‘How are you?’ with “Really busy’, “Frantic’, ‘Run off my feet’, ‘Exhausted’  enjoys watching American fantasy and science fiction films, which are not explicitly sexy, but do have medium level violence and medium level course language  owns an iPod, has 3 TV’s and the internet at home and are moving over to pay TV  doesn’t read heavy magazines or books  goes to church at Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.