Design and Analysis of Efficient Operation Sequencing in FMC Robot Using Simulation and Sequential Patterns

Abstract This paper suggested the method to design and analyze FMC robot's dispatching rule using the Simulation and Sequential Patterns. To do this, first of all, we built FMC using simulation and then, extracted signals that facilities call a robot, saved it as the log type. Secondly, we built robot's optimal path using the Sequential Pattern Mining with the results of analyzing the log and relationship between machine and robot actions. Lastly, we adapted it to the A corp.'s manufacturing line for verifying its performance. As a result of applying the new dispatching rule in FMC, total throughput and total flow time decrease because of decreasing material loss time and increasing robot utility. Futhermore, because this method can be applied for every manufacturing plant using simulation, it can contribute to advance total FMC efficiency as well. Key Words : Dispatching Rule, Sequential Patterns, Flexible Manufacturing Cell, Simulation 이 연구에 참여한 연구자(의 일부)는 ‘2단계BK21사업’의 지원비를 받았음.