Theory of data structures and synchronous parallel computations

The computational processes taking place in data-processing systems are generated at various levels of interaction between the hardware and the programs. The fundamental mathematical model used to study such processes is the composition of two systems control and information media. If each of these systems is represented in the form of an automaton, we arrive at the concept of the discrete converter [1]. The corresponding model, usually considered in the theory of programming, is an interpretational program scheme [2]. One of the important resources for raising the performance of data-processing systems is the utilization of parallel computations~ The possibility of rendering computational processes parallel is determined by the structure of the information medium, whose state is usually represented by the mapping b: R ~ D, where R is a set of memory elements (variables, registers, etc.), and D is a set of elementary values. The degree of parallelism of computational processes is defined by the intensity with which the possibilities of simultaneously changing the values of many variables are utilized.