Diagnosis ofhumantoxocariasis byantigen capture enzymelinked immunosorbent assay
evaluate an antigen capture enzyme linkedimmunosorbentassay (ELISA)whichdetects a carbohydrate epitope on theexcretory-secretory (ES) antigens ofToxocaracanisin clinical practice. specimens from healthy adults, patients withacutevis- cerallarvamigrans, ocularandinactive toxocariasis, and withotherhelminth infections were examinedby two site antigen captureELISA. Results-Over halfofthepatients (19/28) withacutetoxocariasis had a positive result incontrasttoa smallproportion of thosewithinactive disease (1110) or ocu- larinfection (2/7). Falsepositive reac- tions, however, were foundin25%ofthe patients withserologically confirmed schistosomiasis andfilariasis. Conclusions-This assayisuseful incon- firming thediagnosis ofacutevisceral larvamigransbutcouldnot be used aloneindiagnosis becauseoffalse posi- tivereactions in patients withother hehminth infections. (JClinPathol 1993;46:551-554)
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