Hyperchannel Local Network Interconnection Through Satellite Links
Hvperchannel is a wxidely used hivhl-speed network techniology foi multiaccess (broadcast) netwxorks that emplos a bus topology. In Hyperchaniel netw orks, highspeed, heterogeneouis dce ices such as mainifranmes o0 dex ice controllers are interconnected through the use of one or more 50M-bps passixe coaxial-cable trunks. Devices are coninnected to trunks through adapters, each of -which is div ided into three logical comiiponients: trunik interfaces, a microprocessoi with coniti-ol and data bufferiing, and a dexice interface. The dexice intei-face is unique to the dev ice type w hile the other coimiponenits are identical f'or all adapters. Adapters contain a control bufteiused to stack contr-ol data and a 4K-bxte (or an optional 8K-byte) data buffer. The data buffer prosides txwo 2K-byte (optional 4K-bvte) logical buft'ers that max be t'illed or emptied in pai-allel, allos ing a 5GM-bps data transfer x ith a trunki to oCCuL simaultaineously with a 5GM-bps transf'er with an attaheldc dev ice. In this article we describe anl initercoinniectioin netwoik aichlitectuie* f'oi conniectilng Hperchannel local nets ork;s through satellite links. 1Bs xxav of' inti-oductioin, xe rex iewx local H !perchannel inetNs ork architectuI e on the protocol lexel; xe theln explaiin the operatioin of' satellite-connected lix perchanIel netw orks, describe, in detail, the inteirnet