Coupled Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields and Stationary Temperature Distributions
Designing accelerator components often requires the study of its electroor magneto-thermal behaviour. A consistent numerical method is presented for the coupled calculation of electromagnetic fields and the steady state heat distribution. The conversion of electric energy into heat plays an important role in many accelerator applications. As example we can think of rf-windows, cavity cooling or inductive soldering. The underlyingmathematical problem for heat conduction in steady state equals Poisson’s equation and is therefore formally identical to that one of electrostatics or stationary currents. Consequently, the same numerical methods can be adopted to the stationary temperature problem. The static module S of the program package MAFIA has been extented with the facility to compute stationary temperature distributions. As heat sources one may choose a material with a defined temperature, a heat source of defined heat density respectively heat emission. Especially heating by wall losses of resonant modes or heating by induced eddy currents can be computed easily.