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J. Zubin.
A technique for measuring like-mindedness.
J. H. Ward.
Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function
P. Sneath,et al.
Numerical Taxonomy
F. T. Tyler.
Some examples of multivariate analysis in educational and psychological research
P. Sneath.
The application of computers to taxonomy.
Journal of general microbiology.
C. Coombs.
A theory of data.
Psychology Review.
H. Ross.
Principles of Numerical Taxonomy
Joe H. Ward,et al.
Application of an Hierarchical Grouping Procedure to a Problem of Grouping Profiles
R N SHEPARD,et al.
Analysis of Proximities as a Technique for the Study of Information Processing in Man1
Human factors.
W. Torgerson.
Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and method
Numerical Taxonomy and Biological Classification.
H WEBSTER,et al.
A note on profile similarity.
Psychological bulletin.
R. L. Thorndike.
Who belongs in the family?
W. Stephenson.
Some observations on Q technique.
Psychological bulletin.