DNA Staining for Fluorescence and Laser Confocal Microscopy

We examined five nucleic acid binding fluorescent dyes, propidium iodide, SYBR Green I, YO-PRO-1, TOTO-3, and TO-PRO-3, for nuclear DNA staining, visualized by fluorescence and laser confocal microscopy. The optimal concentration, co-staining of RNA, and bleaching speeds were examined. SYBR Green I and TO-PRO-3 almost preferentially stained the nuclear DNA, and the other dyes co-stained the cytoplasmic RNA. RNAse treatment completely prevented the cytoplasmic RNA staining. In conventional fluorescence microscopy, these dyes can be used in combination with fluorescence-labeled antibodies. Among the dyes tested, TOTO-3 and TO-PRO-3 stained the DNAs with far-red fluorescence under red excitation. Under Kr/Ar-laser illumination, TOTO-3 and TO-PRO-3 were best suited as the nuclear staining dyes in the specimens immunolabeled with fluorescein and rhodamine (or Texas red).