A Novel Concept for Combined Heat and Cooling in Humid Gas Turbine Cycles

Various gas turbine cycles are known where water is introduced as a liquid or as a vapor into the combustor of the gas turbine. Such cycles include the Humid Air Turbine (HAT) cycle, the Steam Injected (STIG) cycle, and the Regenerated Water Injected gas turbine cycle (RWI). The effect of water vapor is the increasing of net power output and the reduction of NOx formation within the combustor. However the net increase in power output is limited in commercial models of gas turbines, because a large addition of water vapor leads to the mismatch between the compressor and the turbine. In this paper a possible method to solve this problem is proposed: it is based on a novel concept for combining refrigeration and power production in humid gas turbine cycles. In the proposed system a fraction of the air at compressor discharge is extracted, cooled to nearly ambient temperature, dried and expanded in a turbine. At turbine outlet the air is at a very low temperature and can be used for providing refrigeration. A thermodynamic analysis has been carried out to investigate the performance of the system in HAT, STIG and RWI cycles for different operating conditions representing the state of art of commercial gas turbines. In particular the pressure ratio and the turbine inlet temperature have been respectively varied in the range 7–45 and 900–1500°C. Sensitivity analyses have been performed to assess how the amounts of extracted air and injected steam affect the net power output, the electrical efficiency and the cooling. The results show that cryogenic temperatures (lower than −100°C) for refrigeration can be achieved in combination with very high electrical efficiency (over 40%, typical of humid gas turbine cycles).Copyright © 2007 by ASME