Method and system for interworiking between converged ip messging service and short messaging service

An interworking system between a converged IP(Internet Protocol) messaging service and an SMS(Short Message Service) and a method thereof are provided to implement interactive message exchange through CPMs(Converged IP Messages) and SMs(Short Messages) by enabling a receiving side to process received messages in the order transmitted from a transmitting side in case a CPM service user consecutively sends messages to an SMS user. If a CPM to be delivered to an SM terminal is received from a CPM terminal, a CPM server transmits a Normal_Size_CPM1 message to an IWF(Interworking Function)(401). The IWF converts the CPM into an SM and transmits it to an SM server through an SMS_SUBMIT1 message(403). Receiving the SMS_SUBMIT1 message, the SM server transmits an SMS_DELIVER1 message to the SM terminal(405). The SM terminal transmits a DELIVERY_REPORT1 message to the SM server(411). The SM server converts the DELIVERY_REPORT1 message into a STATUS_REPORT1 message and transmits it to the IWF(413). While waiting for the STATUS_REPORT1 message, the IWF receives a Normal_Size_CPM2 message and a Large_Size_CPM3 message from the CPM server(407,409). If the STATUS_REPORT1 message is received, the IWF converts the two CPMs into SMs or SM segments, creates the second transmission group which consists of three SM segments, and transmits the SM segments to the SM server in sequence(415,419,421). The SM server converts all the received SM segments into SMS_DELIVER messages and transmits them to the SM terminal. In this case, the SM server transmits one SMS_DELIVER message, then receives a corresponding DELIVERY_REPORT message, and then transmits the next SMS_DELIVER message.