Seroprevalence trends of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated risk factors: a population-based study

P. Lescuyer | M. Imboden | A. Flahault | A. Azman | N. Rodondi | M. Puhan | A. Camerini | M. Bochud | A. Chiolero | I. Guessous | L. Corna | S. Stringhini | N. Noël | T. Radtke | A. Butty | J. Pasquier | S. Kriemler | A. Frei | E. Albanese | D. Keidel | R. Morese | K. Zens | Sara Levati | L. Crivelli | P. Bodenmann | V. von Wyl | Maddalena Fiordelli | M. Tonolla | M. Zaballa | A. Schmid | N. Pullen | D. Menges | H. Aschmann | M. Kaufmann | T. Ballouz | J. Villers | A. Wisniak | G. Piumatti | H. Baysson | A. Ulytė | S. Sabatini | O. Duperrex | D. Paris | V. D'Acremont | P. Rodondi | A. Loizeau | A. M. Annoni | N. Ortega | N. Troillet | Julia Vincentini | Géraldine Poulain | C. Kahlert | S. Cullati | D. Anker | C. Robert | C. Martinez | M. Fadda | A. Anagnostopoulos | E. Harju | A. Domenghino | É. Masserey | P. Kohler | P. Chocano-Bedoya | A. Epure | J. Magnin | E. Lorthe | R. Dumont | V. Richard | N. Schwab | A. Cusini | Marco Geigges | S. Pfister | A. Jeong | Rylana Wenger | Aude Richard | M. Rasi | N. Probst-Hensch | Prune Collombet | C. Wagner | M. Schüpbach | S. Gonseth Nusslé | S. Tancredi | Simone Kessler | S. Estoppey | Richard Dubos | A. Felappi | Erin A. West | L. Kaiser | C. Semaani | J. Fehr | J. Dupraz | Vincent Faivre | J. Thabard | R. Amati | C. Zuppinger | Sophie Vassaux | A. Steiner-Dubuis | Kleona Bezani | Gisela Michel | Alexandre Speierer | Giovanni Franscella | A. Blattmann | Luc Fornerod | I. Frank | Thomas Vermes | Antonio Amendola | Agathe Deschamps | Malik Egger | Natalie Engler | Marion Frangville | Irène Frank | Emilie Jendly | Caroline Pugin | V. Schlüter | Valentine Schneider | P. D’ippolito | Christine Krähenbühl | Clément Graindorge | Antoine Bal | Patrick Bleich | Natalie Francioli | Séverine Harnal | Khadija Samir | Stéphanie Testini | Nacira El Merjani | Francesco Pennacchio | Peter Buttaroni | Chantal Luedi | Melissa Witzig | Nicolai Mösli | Julien Lamour | J. Zozaya | L. Kaufmann | Moa Lina Haller | Chantal Lüdi | Antonio Alexia Daniela Anna Maria Hélène Andrew Antoine Ta Amendola Anagnostopoulos Anker Annoni Asc | Diana Sofia Da Costa Santos | Emna El-May | Lukas Erksam | Cristina Fragoso Corti | E. West | Jennifer Villers | Patricia Chocano-Bedoya | Laurie M. Corna

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