Katy Freeway: An Evaluation of a Second-Generation Managed Lanes Project

The Katy Freeway Managed Lanes (KML) represents the first operational, multilane managed facility in Texas and provides an opportunity to benefit from the lessons learned from the project. This study evaluated multiple aspects of KML and the critical areas of project development, design, and operation. One sample finding is that travel time savings are approximately 5 minutes in the morning and 14 minutes in the afternoon in the peak directions, and the travel time advantage over the general-purpose lanes has increased as volumes have grown. Continual monitoring and adjustment of operating aspects of new managed lanes is required post-opening, especially during the ramp-up period in which drivers make travel adjustments to use the facility. The operating partners for the KML have continuously monitored the performance of the lanes since opening and have made adjustments in toll rates, lane configuration at the tolling zones, and access operations at the western terminus. These adjustments are critical to ensuring that the performance standards for the lanes are maintained.