Extends the set of library components which are usually considered in architectural synthesis by components with built-in chaining (BIC). For such components, the result of some internally computed arithmetic function is made available as an argument to some other function through a local connection. These components can be used to implement chaining in a data-path in a single component. Components with BIC are combinatorial circuits. They correspond to "complex gates" in logic synthesis. If compared to implementations with several components, components with BIC usually provide a denser layout, reduced power consumption and a shorter delay time. Multiplier/accumulators are the most prominent example of such components. Such components require new approaches for library mapping in architectural synthesis. In this paper, we describe an integer programming (IP) based approach taken in our OSCAR (Optimum Simultaneous sCheduling, Allocation and Resource assignment) synthesis system.
Catherine H. Gebotys,et al.
Optimal VLSI Architectural Synthesis
Sri Parameswaran,et al.
Reclocking Controllers for Minimum Execution Time
Jan M. Rabaey,et al.
Cathedral II: A Synthesis and Module Generation System for Multiprocessor Systems on a Chip
Alex Orailoglu,et al.
Microarchitectural Synthesis of VLSI Designs with High Test Concurrency
31st Design Automation Conference.
K. Keutzer.
DAGON: Technology Binding and Local Optimization by DAG Matching
24th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
Peter Marwedel,et al.
OSCAR: optimum simultaneous scheduling, allocation and resource binding based on integer programming