Trabalhadores da saúde sob risco: o uso de pulverizadores no controle de vetores

Aims: Present results of ergonomic job analyze with emphasis at noise and heat evaluation and control during application of pesticides with. Methods: Based on Guerin et all (2001) such as meeting with team-workers, video-records and job analyze. Quantitative evaluation of emitted noise from equipment. Experiments for noise level reduction through changes in the exhaust equipment and placement of sound barriers. Measurement of environment heat from solar radiation, through the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index. Study of weight loss before and after the spraying activities, comparing a group of exposed and not-exposed to solar radiation. Medical examination of the exposed workers. Results: The equivalent noise level is 97,5 dB (A), with high levels (over 100 dB in the low frequency). WBGT index was 29,37oC. Weight loss in exposed workers was 2,31% in average weight loss being 1,71% in the control-group. Conclusions: New studies of work organization and engineering are needed to decrease damage caused by this equipment design and to reduce the health negative effects during the job activity.