Food spoilage microorganisms.

Part 1 Detection and analysis of food spoilage: Quantitative detection and identification methods for microbial spoilage Detection, identification and enumeration methods for spoilage yeasts Detection, identification and enumeration methods for spoilage moulds Modelling microbial spoilage Determining the stability and shelf-life of foods. Part 2 Managing food spoilage: Managing microbial food spoilage: an overview Managing microbial spoilage in the dairy industry Managing microbial spoilage in cereal and baking products Managing microbial spoilage in the meat industry. Part 3 Spoilage yeasts: Zygosaccharomyces and related genera Saccharomyces and related genera Candida and related genera Dekkera/Brettanomyces spp. Part 4 Spoilage moulds: General characteristics of moulds Zygomycetes Penicillium and related genera Aspergillus and related teleomorphs Other types of spoilage moulds. Part 5 Spoilage bacteria: Pseudomonas and related genera Lactic acid bacteria Spore-forming bacteria Enterobacteriaceae Other spoilage bacteria.