Applied social psychology
I. OVERVIEW. 1. Applying Social Psychology - Typical Features, Roles, and Problems. 2. Theories in Applied Social Psychology. II. METHODS OF OBTAINING KNOWLEDGE. 3. Survey Research - The Quality of Life, and Sexuality. 4. Experiments - Soliciting Donations. 5. Correlational Research - Leadership. 6. Quasi-Experimental Studies - Effects of Television. 7. Evaluation Research - Drug Prevention Programs. III. AREAS OF APPLICATION. 8. Educational Settings - Intergroup Relations and Learning. 9. Diversity Issues - Gender and Ethnicity. 10. Organizational Settings - Job Satisfaction. 11. Environmental Issues - Energy and Resource Conservation. 12. Health and Health Care - Smoking. 13. Mass Communication - Media Content and Effects. 14. Consumer Issues - Advertising. 15. Legal Issues - Research on the Legal System. IV. ACHIEVING SOCIAL CHANGE. 16. Activism for Social Change. 17. Influencing Public Policy. References. Name Index. Subject Index.