Simulation Environment for the Real-Time Dynamic Analysis of Hybrid Mobile Machines

The interest in using hybrid technology in Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) has increased significantly in the late 2000s due to tightening emission regulations (Tier 4). In general, utilization of hybrid technology can simplify the vehicle driveline compared to conventional mechanical and hydraulic power transmissions. On the other hand, hybrid technology and its different driving modes and multiple power sources creates new challenges in the design process. Many industries have used co-simulation and virtual prototyping approaches successfully as a development and diagnostic tool. However, it is still rarely used in the design of hybrid mobile machines. This is due to the fact, that the computer analysis of a mobile machine is a multidisciplinary task which requires a deep knowledge in several engineering areas. In this paper, a novel real-time co-simulation platform is presented that couples multi-body dynamics based physics modelling and Matlab/Simulink–based hybrid driveline modelling. The presented approach enables a fast and accurate virtual prototyping tool to calculate dimension hybrid driveline components and test various hybridization concepts.Copyright © 2015 by ASME