As reported previously (1), intracellular pH measurements (pHi) using the fluorescent pH-indicator carboxy-SNARF-1 and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) are afFected by pH-dependent redistribution processes of the protonated indicator component between cytosol and lipophilic cell compartments (e.g. plasma membrane) causing considerable changes of the intracellular calibration characteristic (äs compared to an in vitro calibration) äs well äs an apparent pK-shift of up to about l pH-unit (in human malignant glioma cells grown äs multicellular spheroids (U 118 MG)) associated with a corresponding alkaline shift of the intracellular pH measuring ränge. In addition, due to the diffiision limited redistribution phenomenon, reliable pHi determinations are restricted to a time domain of several minutes in order to achieve intracellular steady-state conditions of both pHi and dye-distribution. Moreover, pHi calibration curves according to the nigericin method varied significantly from one cell to another despite emission ratioing of the fluorescence Signals. Thus, to obtain comparable results within a cell population, a normalization of the measured ratios of each individual cell had to be performed. However, with respect to measurements under physiological conditions, the choice of this peculiar emission ratio for normalization of all ratio data sets is strongly restricted to pHo values, for which pHo = pHi. Since none of these pHo values is a priori known one faces the problem to properly relate the physiological measurements to the nigericin calibration curve. To solve this problem we assume that, if the established nigericin calibration curve forms a reliable basis for pHi determinations under physiological and various experimental conditions, then a "physiological curve should essentially mirror this characteristic for pH ranges where pHi =* pHo , whereas both curves should deviate otherwise due to intracellular pH regulation (except when oppositely directed regulatory processes compensate each other resulting in an apparent nonregulation). Hence, the experimentally determined functional course of various emission ratios on the corresponding pHo values (monitored under physiol. cond.) was analyzed in comparison to the nigericin curve by means of a normalization independent magnitude. As such an invariant, a formfactor, characterizing the ftmctional course of both curve» within the acidic and alkaline pH ränge, has been chosen. Thii formfactor (Fig. 1) (s built äs the quotient of the normalized emission ratios (thus, eliminating the normalization parameter) at the corresponding pHo values 6.25 and 7.0 (acidic ränge) or 7.0 and 8.0 (alkaline ränge), respectively. Since formfactors of the nigericin calibration curve correspond to zero intracellular regulation (pHi = pHo), whereas formfactors of unity would correspond to 100 % regulation, the intracellular pH regulation under physiological conditions within both pH ranges can be estimated by comparing the formfactors with these limits. This analysis reveals (Fig. 2) that significant pHi regulation in human malignant glioma cells occurs mainly in the alkaline pH-range, enabling normalization of the data sets to emission ratios within the acidic pHo-range (since both curves converge for pHo values < 7.0) and, consequently, a correct determination of the physiological pHi values on the basis of the nigericin calibration curve.