Using Web2.0 Techniques to Overcome the Limitations of Current DACUM Method : A Case Study

The purpose of this study was to introduce a case that used web2.0 techniques to overcome the limitations of current DACUM method. For the purpose, firstly, we summarized the characteristics and limitations of current DACUM as a method to develop an occupational curriculum. The summary indicated that the results of DACUM process are likely to be influenced by the selection procedure of out-performers. In addition, current DACUM method is difficult to be adapted to big organizations, difficult to reflect rapidly changing society, and lack of qualitative review for the findings. To overcome these limitations, Seoul city designed a transformed DACUM method based on web2.0 techniques. The most outstanding features of the transformed DACUM method were web-based peer review systems to validate the findings of DACUM workshop. We concluded that the transformed DACUM method was proper to big size organizations faced with rapid changes and some organizations with special needs to establish their training systems based on the results of job analysis. Finally, we discussed several practical tips for the Seoul city's method.