The tool for predicting the onset of boundary layer transition from damage to and/or repair of the thermal protection system developed in support of Shuttle Return to Flight is compared to the STS-114 flight results. The Boundary Layer Transition (BLT) Tool is part of a suite of tools that analyze the aerothermodynamic environment of the local thermal protection system to allow informed disposition of damage for making recommendations to fly as is or to repair. Using mission specific trajectory information and details of each damage site or repair, the expected time of transition onset is predicted to help determine the proper aerothermodynamic environment to use in the subsequent thermal and stress analysis of the local structure. The boundary layer transition criteria utilized for the tool was developed from ground-based measurements to account for the effect of both protuberances and cavities and has been calibrated against flight data. Computed local boundary layer edge conditions provided the means to correlate the experimental results and then to extrapolate to flight. During STS-114, the BLT Tool was utilized and was part of the decision making process to perform an extravehicular activity to remove the large gap fillers. The role of the BLT Tool during this mission, along with the supporting information that was acquired for the on-orbit analysis, is reviewed. Once the large gap fillers were removed, all remaining damage sites were cleared for reentry as is. Post-flight analysis of the transition onset time revealed excellent agreement with BLT Tool predictions.
Francis A. Greene,et al.
Development of a Boundary Layer Property Interpolation Tool in Support of Orbiter Return To Flight
G Wilmoth Richard,et al.
Infrared Sensing Aeroheating Flight Experiment: STS-96 Flight Results
Charles H. Campbell,et al.
Orbiter Return-To-Flight Entry Aeroheating
Scott A. Berry,et al.
Wind Tunnel Measurements of Shuttle Orbiter Global Heating with Comparisons to Flight
Scott A. Berry,et al.
Review of Orbiter Flight Boundary Layer Transition Data
Alan B. Tietjen,et al.
Shuttle Orbiter Fuselage Global Temperature Measurements from Infrared Images at Hypersonic Speeds
Scott A. Berry,et al.
Overview of Boundary Layer Transition Research in Support of Orbiter Return To Flight
M. J. Green,et al.
Supporting flight data analysis for Space Shuttle Orbiter Experiments at NASA Ames Research Center
Michael Holden,et al.
Risk Mitigation Study for Instrumentation Layout Along Wing Leading Edge of 1.8% Scale Space Shuttle Model Using TSP
John Rutherford,et al.
American institute of aeronautics and astronautics graduate design competitions