Unmanned Vehicle Plan Comparison Visualizations for Effective Human-autonomy Teaming☆

Abstract In order to assist a single operator tasked with controlling multiple unmanned vehicles, intelligent autonomous capabilities are being developed that recommend plans to meet operator goals. The goal of this research was to develop an effective visualization for allowing an operator to compare across autonomy recommended plans. Three plan comparison formats were developed: Plot, Matrix, and Chart. Each format allowed participants to compare across autonomy recommended plans as well as retrieve information about a single plan. Twelve participants were tested using a 3 (Format) X 2 (Number of Parameters) X 4 (Question Type) repeated measures within-participants design. Both objective and subjective data were collected. Participants both preferred and were faster at comparing across plans when using the Plot as compared to the Chart and Matrix. However, when retrieving information about a single plan, participants both preferred and were faster with the Chart and Matrix as compared to the Plot. Recommendations are made on how to improve the Plot format.