QCSEE UTW engine powered-lift acoustic performance

Powered-lift acoustic test of the Quiet Clean Short Haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) under the wing (UTW) engine are reported. Propulsion systems for two powered-lift concepts were designed, fabricated, and tested. In addition to low noise features, the designs included composite structures, gear-driven fans, digital control, and a variable pitch fan (UTW). The UTW engine was tested in a static ground test facility with wing and flap segments to simulate installation on a short haul transport aircraft of the future. Powered-lift acoustic performance of the UTW engine is compared with that of the previously tested and reported QCSEE over-the-wing (OTW) engine. Both engines were slightly above the noise goal but were significantly below current FAA and modern wide-body jet transport levels. The UTW system in the powered-lift mode was penalized by reflected engine noise from the wing and flap system, while the OTW system was benefitted by a wing noise shielding effect.