Coagulation and flocculation : theory and applications

Thermodynamics of adsorption from solution, H.-H. Kohler surface charge and surface potential, H.-H. Kohler coagulation kinetics, H. Sonntag adsorption of ions and surfactants, Luuk K. Koopal modelling polymer adsorption, steric stabilization, and flocculation, Gerard J. Fleer and Jan M.H.M. Scheutjens structure formation in disperse systems, Klaus Strenge flotation as a heterocoagulation process - possibilities of calculating the probability of flotation, Hans Joachim Schulze floc stability in laminar and turbulent flow, Klaus Muehle measurement of the size of aggregates in suspension, John Farrow and Len Warren from clay mineral crystals to colloidal clay mineral dispersions, Gerhard Lagaly stabilization of aqueaous powder suspensions in the processing of ceramic materials, Christian Simon surfactant adsorption and dispersion stability in mineral flotation, Bohuslav Dobias mineral aggregate formation and the measurement of aggregate size, P. Somasundaran and Ramesh Ramachandran the effect of coagulation and flocculation on the filtration properties of suspensions incorporating a high content of fines, Guenter Stroh.