An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Mobile Edge Computing

The interest of artificial intelligence (AI) and mobile edge computing (MEC) has increased in recent years. As a fundamental building block for the development of mobile edge computing, new techniques are needed in the mobile network. Driven by the techniques of Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, MEC, as an emerging paradigm, enables cloud services and AI frontier in close proximity to users, by pushing computing and cache resources from the cloud to the network edge. With the continuous and in-depth research on intelligent mobile networks, green edge intelligence would be a new paradigm of MEC. AI is playing a more important role in the mobile edge computing. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of recent work on AI and MEC. Specially, we first review the various AI techniques. We then propose a novel concept of green edge intelligence. Finally, by using a case study on edge caching with AI techniques, we demonstrate the thrilling effectiveness of AI. We hope that this paper can provide researchers a meaningful guidance and inspire further research interests on green edge intelligence.

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