한국인 중국어 학습자의 제로교학을 위한 중국어 어휘 선정과 대역어 고찰

This study sets the target of Zero Instruction as the fully same patterned Sino-Korean and Chinese synonyms usable for Korean learners in Chinese words during their Chinese language learning. To select the fully same patterned Sino-Korean and Chinese synonyms for this study, 3,312 Sino-Korean words were selected among 5,965 words included in Vocabulary List for Korean Language Learning. Then, based on the search results from both Korean and Chinese dictionaries, Sino-Korean words were categorized as 4 steps according to the consistency in the shape and meaning of characters based on comparison with Chinese words and classified by types. Step 0 refers to the fully same patterned Sino-Korean and Chinese synonyms, the words in same pattern and identical meaning, which are directly transfer from Korean to Chinese language. Via the processes above 756 the fully same patterned Sino-Korean and Chinese synonyms were selected for this study. In addition, during selection of the fully same patterned Sino-Korean and Chinese synonyms, part of speech difference between Korean and Chinese language were sketchily known. And the problems in the expression of part of speech, which exists in the Internet dictionary (the Naver Chinese Dictionary), were identified and directions for improvement were presented.