Structuring and Standardizing Prosthodontic Education and Practice in India
There have been loud whispers and even tall claims made for the need to structure and standardize dental education in India. With technological progress in this globalization era, we have been fast in adopting changes in our practice. However, little has been done to make Prosthodontic Education relevant to the contemporary times. A gradual and steady process of attempting to match educational curriculum, contents and methods of teaching that awaken the interest of students who are the future practitioners and educationalists is the need of the hour.
Again, whose responsibility is it to bring about the changes? DCI? University? Or the Institution? The apex bodies give a direction and broad based syllabus. How to administer the doses i.e. topics and subjects in a more palatable manner that will create an effect on the learner is the challenge every institute has to take up in order to make our students function autonomously after graduation. We need to make the educational methods enquiry based and examination system such that it motivates creative thinking in our students. It is a herculean task for the faculty to have Focus group discussions on every topic in Prosthodontics and decide what is relevant and important for the learner to know at the under-graduate and post-graduate level. Developing a specific learning objective that can be evaluated objectively is absolutely essential. The students respect what you inspect. Repetitive, passive and boring questions make the students take the entire educational system as an exercise that is dull, non-challenging and examiner centered.
It is not easy to be a teacher who is globally relevant. The faculty must be self motivated to update themselves with various teaching and learning methods. They should invent unorthodox methods for interactive teaching and experiment with novel examination methods that can keep the interest of the students alive.
There is a need to build a community of research oriented clinicians. Even in a practical environment, one can contribute to clinical research of interest. The curriculum should stress on developing the ability to assess patient problems and to address them according to their needs.
In this time of knowledge explosion, let us filter and distill the information to that which is most important in our practice. It is not about how much information overload that we are able to give and take, but it is all about critically evaluating the information that we can apply as required.
So friends, let us move on and be agile to bring about the changes in the teaching–learning methodologies, the examination system and not wait for someone else or an apex body to come forward and make the changes for us.