Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Study of Interfacial Defects Formed by Dissolution of Aluminum in Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide

High-purity aluminum foils were examined using positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) after dissolution for various times in 1 M NaOH at room temperature. Measurements of the S and W shape parameters of the annihilation photopeak at 511 keV show the presence of voids of at least nanometer dimension located at the metal-oxide film interface. The large S parameter suggests that the metallic surface of the void is free of oxide. Voids are found in as-received foils and are also produced by dissolution in NaOH, evidently by a solid-state interfacial process. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of NaOH-dissolved foils, after stripping the surface oxide film in chromic-phosphoric acid bath, reveal cavities on the order of 100 nm size The average cavity depth is in quantitative agreement with the PAS-derived thickness of the interfacial void-containing layer, and the dissolution time dependence of the defect layer S parameter closely parallels that of the fractional coverage of the foil surface by cavities; thus, the cavities are believed to he interfacial voids created along with those detected by PAS. The cavity distribution on the surface closely resembles that of corrosion pits formed by anodic etching in 1 M HCl, thereby suggesting that the interfacial voids revealed by AFM serve as sites for pit initiation.

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