Technology-Assisted Interpreting

Abstract Unlike translators, for whom a myriadof computer-assisted tools are available,interpreters have not benefited from thesame level of automation or innovation.Their work relies by and large on traditionalor manual methods. The solutions tailoredto the interpreters’ needs are few and stillfar behind. Fortunately, there is a growinginterest in developing tools addressed atinterpreters as end users, although thenumber of these technology tools is stillvery low and they are not intended to coverall interpreters’ needs. 1 Interpreting modes and opportunitiesfor technology The main categories of interpreting aresimultaneous and consecutive interpreting, whichrefers to the mode of delivering the originalmessage. In simultaneous interpreting, the targetmessage is given at roughly the same time thatthe source message is produced, whereas inconsecutive interpreting the interpreter waits untilthe speaker has finished before beginning theinterpretation and takes notes in the meantime.Apart from these two main categories, we canalso include a third one: liaison interpreting,which can be either simultaneous or consecutive.Liaison interpreters work in both directionsfor two parties, thus the languages being usedbecome passive and active at the same time.Other common modes practiced are whispering