LegSelectable Interface forWalking Robots onIrregular Terrain
Leggedrobots areexpected towalkonirregular terrain withtheir highground adaptability. Working in irregular environments, therobot isrequired tokeepsafe, that is,itisnecessary toconsider theterrain. Thisability is difficult tobeinstalled totherobots duetonotenough intelligence andexperience. Here, wefocus that humancanguess andestimate thesafety footposition withglobal environmental recognition andprediction. We propose legselectable interface forwalking robots onirregular terrain. Thistime, weintroduced this system into aquadruped robot. Proposed interface employ four fixed cameras above eachfoot toshowtheground condition ofaround foot. Theoperator selects the object (each legormainbody) withthetouch panel, andoperates its position withthejoystick. Ourinterface displayed alotofinformation asrobot condition. Additionally, toimprove thestability oftherobot, weinstall thetwokinds of corrections, oneiscorrection byrobot's center ofgravity andanother iscorrection bylegangle. Weverify theeffect of abovecompensation withanexperiment byareal machine. Asaresult, itwaspossible towalkbyavoiding theobstacle, therobot wasable tobestabilized bythecorrection.