Uwagi na temat budowy geologicznej zachodniej okolicy Wałbrzycha

NOTES ON GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF WESTERN REGION OF WAŁBRZYCH The author presents some of the results of his geological investigations of the area of the Jablow anticline( Culmvorsprung von Gaablau ) which in the west forms the boundary of the Walbrzych Basin. The stratigraphicaI inventory of this unit comprises sediments of the Culm (Middle and Upper Visean) and the Upper Carboniferous. The Upper Carboniferous is represented by: the Walbrzych Beds Namurian A, the Bialy Kamien Beds Namurian C and Westphalian A and the ZacIer Beds - Westphalian A and B. Furthermore, into the composition of the discussed structure enter porphyries, partIy at least intrusive. On top of the Upper Carboniferous there rem uncomfortably sediments of the Rothliegendes (Figs. 3 and 4).