Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ): indicadores psicométricos e relações com medidas afetivas em amostra idosa

We examined psychometric indicators of the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and their relationship with measures of affective experience, satisfaction with life and depression in the elderly. One hundred and fifty-three elderly people (M = 66.8 years, SD = 5.20, 71.2% female) of an Open University for Seniors responded to the ERQ, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). Two factors (Cognitive Reappraisal and Emotional Suppression) explained 50.1% of variance; internal consistency and temporal stability were above .70. There were positive relations between Cognitive Reappraisal and life satisfaction and positive affect; and there were negative relations with depression. Increased use of Cognitive Reappraisal is an indication of emotional health in the elderly.