Cylindrical Full Metal Capacitor Technology For High-speed Gigabit DRAMs

A cylindrical Full Metal Capacitor (FMC) elcctrode with integrated metal contact-holc plug is proposed in accordancc with thc trend in DRAMs towards low-tcmpcrature processcs, low-resistance conductors, and high-e capacitor dielcctiics in order to realizc high-speed gigabitclass rncmoiy for multimedia applications. Thc FMC technology comprises such features as a W contact-hole plug. a TIN etchstopper, a PVD+CVD-W cylinder body, W-CMP with a protective cylindcr plug. a 1.6nm tox,, Ta205 dielectric, and a TiN top elcctrodc. Gigabit-scalc W cylinders have yieldcd capacitances ovcr 4Off'lccll. with higher values contingent on processes and parameters. Trends in DRAM Technology Toward FMC Concept