Raising Designers' Awareness of User Experience by Mobile Eye Tracking Records

Understanding the interaction between a user and a product in different areas of application provides an excellent basis for the development of innovative user-oriented products. User-product-interactions usually are characterized by a combination of well-observable user actions and cognitive processes, which are considerably more difficult to detect. One method to support the investigation of user experiences is mobile eye tracking. In contrast to conventional observation, mobile eye tracking provides benefits that allow revealing previously hidden aspects of user experiences, such as the visual attention paid by the user to the product, which might lead to improved designs. This paper presents an educational approach using mobile eye tracking recordings to raise design students’ awareness of user experience in an early stage. Applying the example of three different scene videos showing the interaction of a user and a power tool, an electrical bicycle and a medical device, it is described how design students can learn to analyze eye tracking data in order to evaluate aspects of usability and to identify explicit as well as implicit user needs. The paper finally discusses the appropriateness of mobile eye tracking recordings as a teaching medium to enhance the awareness of user experiences and gives recommendation for implementing this approach in design education.