Identifying Cognitive Profiles in Blended Learning using the Multiple Intelligences Theory
This Innovative Practice Full Paper presents the use of the project-based learning methodology anchored to the multiple intelligences cognitive theory applied to an introductory course in informatics for engineering majors in blended learning. This course is mandatory for fourteen majors of all areas, as Civil, Mechanic and Production Engineering, but also Natural Sciences, Agronomy and Managing, making very hard for the teachers to explore the same content with very diverse majors’ and students’ profiles. In this context, we discuss the results for this last change in the course. For that aim, we conducted an exploratory case study to have a diagnostic students’ behavior and some cognitive insights for identifying cognitive profiles, achieved by an analysis conducted using the algorithm k-means to find the emerging clusters and further exploited with the definition of strategies for identification cognitive profiles.
[1] Hanna Ahlström. ! " # $ # # % & ' % # # $ , 2004 .