First experimental tests of shels: A new heavy ion separator at the JINR

(Received January 16, 2015) A new Separator for Heavy ELement Spectroscopy (SHELS) has been recently installed at the U-400 accelerator at FLNR, JINR in Dubna, Russia. The details of the upgrade as well as the results from some of the commissioning runs are discussed. In particular, transmission tests with the Pb(Ar, 2–3n)245−6Fm reaction, as well as isomer spectroscopy results for Ra produced in Dy(Ti, 3–5n)209−11Ra reaction are presented. DOI:10.5506/APhysPolB.46.623 PACS numbers: 29.30.–h, 23.20.Lv, 23.35.+g, 23.60.+e