Noise Cancellation and Speech Enhancement for Hearing Impaired Person

A major complaint of individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairments is a reduced ability to understand speech in a noisy environment. This paper is proposed to remove the noise from the speech signal in various real time environments and to make the hearing impaired to understand the information by transforming speech in to text format. The quality of audio signal can be improved by filtering the degraded speech signal through adaptive filters. For Noise cancellation widrow & hoff’s Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithms are being used for simplicity in implementation. The LMS algorithm was simple in it's derivation and robust in a number of applications but it also have limitation in selection of a certain values such as step size and results in computational complexity. Hence to overcome all the limitations and to present an enhanced speech signal, a novel approach named VSSNDLMS algorithm is proposed. The performance of algorithms like Variable Step Size Normalised LMS , Normalised Differential LMS with proposed VSSNDLMS with different input signals are analysed in this paper . Finally, through simulation results the proposed VSSNDLMS algorithm converges fastly with minimum mean square error and it is useful in predicting the adaptive filter performance of various algorithms and the implementation indicate the improvement in quality of the speech signal and it appears to be favourable for hearing impaired. Keywords: VSSNDLMS, LMS Algorithm, Noise Cancellation, Speech Processing, Adaptive Filter