A história de vida focal e suas potencialidades na pesquisa em saúde e em enfermagem

The objective of this report is to show up our experience in using Focal Life Story strategy as a methodological attacking for researchs that tyed to apprehend the getting illness experience impact and the care search by the Brazilian Health Unique System users, showing its nursing and health research potentialities and at health services evalutive practices. The narratives richness came up the users subjectivity, as well as their interpretations and the meanings during this process, helping us at the deep comprehention of this experience, that others methodos probably would not offer us. The Focal Life Story allowed us to build the Therapeutics Itineraries  tackled by the users when looking for resolutivity  for their health necessities, and demonstrated a  huge potencial as a privileged methodological strategy for the health services evalutive practices trough the view from who live the getting illness and the care search, that is, the health system user and his family.