Computer Application in Process and Plant Engineering: Papers of the 36th Tutzing Symposium, Evalgelische Akademie Schlo Tutzing Am Starnberger See, 9-12 March 1998

From the Publisher: 36th Tutzing Symposion Computer Application in Process and Plant Engineering The volume represents the revised papers of the 36th Tutzing Symposion held at the Evangelische Akademie Scholss Tutzing. Germany, on March 9 - 12, 1998. Computers and application software constitute a major driving force for progress in chemical engineering. Major impacts have been initiated by new computer based calculation methods and the inclusion of heuristics for synthesis, simulation and optimization of individual processes as well as plant wide operation. CAD-software provides the capacity to extract technical information represented in a drawing and to integrate it with alpha-numeric data. Global networks have initiated a further revolution in information technology as it is applied to the field of chemical engineering. It has been ten years since the last Tutzing Symposion on ???Modern computer technologies and their effects on chemical technology" took place. This long time span provided ample reason to review and to discuss the impact of modern computer technologies in progress engineering. Representatives of software companies, academic researchers as well as industrial development managers and users of practical applications were invited to discuss recent computer applications as well as their own vision of future challenges. The topics covered by the 24 papers include system integration, process development, process design, process control and plant design.