Personalised meal eating behaviour analysis via semi-supervised learning

Automated monitoring and analysis of eating behaviour patterns, i.e., “how one eats”, has recently received much attention by the research community, owing to the association of eating patterns with health-related problems and especially obesity and its comorbidities. In this work, we introduce an improved method for meal micro-structure analysis. Stepping on a previous methodology of ours that combines feature extraction, SVM micro-movement classification and LSTM sequence modelling, we propose a method to adapt a pretrained IMU-based food intake cycle detection model to a new subject, with the purpose of improving model performance for that subject. We split model training into two stages. First, the model is trained using standard supervised learning techniques. Then, an adaptation step is performed, where the model is fine-tuned on unlabeled samples of the target subject via semisupervised learning. Evaluation is performed on a publicly available dataset that was originally created and used in [1] and has been extended here to demonstrate the effect of the semisupervised approach, where the proposed method improves over the baseline method.