CHES-Casing Hydraulic Expert System
One critical application of expert systems in the drilling industry is the design of casting strings. Tubulars are such a significant expenditure that they demand precise engineering. The availability of powerful PC's has relieved engineers of the drudgery of repetitive and intensive engineering calculations. An important way to decrease drilling costs is to increase the bit penetration rate. The less time spent drilling a hole, the fewer problems that are incurred. Most hole problems develop slowly and become serious considerations only after enough times has passed. Optimizing bit hydraulics to increase drilling rate is an important task facing drilling engineers. Rheology, hydraulics, and bit-nozzle selection are parameters to be considered when optimizing drilling. CHES is written with an expert-system shell (LEVEL-5, from Information Builders Inc.). The backward-chaining rule base interfaces with DB3 (Database 3), numerous FORTRAN programs, and chains from one knowledge base to another. CHES was developed and implemented on an IBM PC AT microcomputer.