Perspectives on learning to teach

This paper looks at issues subsumed by the phrase "learning to teach" that have implications for the design and conduct of teacher education. The first section lays out a temporal perspective by examining the times and places of learning to teach. The second section brings together disparate strands of research on the learners of teaching, looking at who prospective teachers are, orientations to learning, experience with dive:sity, and prospective teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning, subject matter, students, and preservice and beginning teachers. The third section examinei different ways people have conceptualized the content of learning to teach, including domains of professional knowledge, the tasks of teaching, professional standards, and lessons for teacher educators". The fourth section discusses processes and opportunities in learning to teach. By presenting ideas about the when/where, who, what and how af learning to teach, the study hopes to raise teacher educators' consciousness about a neglected part of the conceptual and practical foundations of their work. (Contains 107 references.) (Author/ND) * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ************************* *

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