Temperature Correction of PSP Measurement Using Bi-luminophore Dyes

Bi-luminophore Pressure-Sensitive Paint (bi-PSP) has been studied in order to correct the error due to temperature dependence of PSP and increase PSP measurement accuracy. The bi-PSP measurement systems including the paint, optical system and image processing tool, were developed in JAXA/ARD/WINTEC. The system was applied to the JAXA 2m x 2m transonic wind tunnel (TWT1) for evaluating its performance. The 90% down-scale F6 model (DLR civil-transport-type model) was used for the validation test. The bi-PSP system allowed us to correct the temperature error of the PSP and acquire simultaneously pressure and temperature images on the model. Furthermore, the whole pressure- and temperature- images of the F6 model was clearly visualized by using the multi-camera bi-PSP systems allocated on the walls of TWT1 test section.