Developing user interfaces for Microsoft Windows
From the Publisher:
Create better user interfaces by designing from the outside in.
How important is user interface design? A poorly executed interface can frustrate users and cost your organization time and money while an effective design can improve productivity by helping users get their work done. So what makes good interfaces good and bad interfaces bad? Which design choices can improve the users experience with a program? Emphasizing practical results over theory, this concise, Windows-focused handbook distills industry best practices and the authors 25 years of software development expertise into straightforward and effective methods you can apply right now to create more usable user-driven software. Coverage includes:
Basic concepts of user interface (UI) design knowing the standards; establishing consistency
Practical development techniques specific ways to improve the UI for applications built with the Win32® API or MFC
Understanding the user experience putting the goals of the user ahead of yours; focusing your creativity the "right" way
Windows user interface components mastering the fundamentals; making appropriate choices
Testing and evaluation ensuring software quality and usability