
The crystal structure of catena-poly­[[tri-n-butyl­tin]-μ-3-(1-naph­thyl­amino­carbonyl)­acrylato-κ2O1:O3], [Sn(C4H9)3(C14H10NO3)]n, is composed of polymeric chains wherein the metal center exhibits a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, with three n-butyl groups defining the trigonal plane [mean Sn—C 2.133 (7) A] and the axial positions being occupied by the carboxyl­ate O atoms of two different N-(1-naphthyl)­maleamate ligands with inequivalent Sn—O distances [2.167 (4) and 2.457 (4) A]. The N-(1-naphthyl)­maleamate fragment forms an essentially planar seven-membered ring involving an intramolecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond.