The impact of new technologies on subscriber loop networks
March 1987-Voi. 25, No. 3 IEEE communications Magazine I S D N trials are underway and commercial service may soon be a reality. Indeed, some of the presenters in this area treated ISDN as a fait accompli, declared victory, and had set their sights on Broadband ISDN. Contrast this with the user view, however, expressed by R. Sedgewick of the Bank of America, that private networks will be more cost effective than CentrexASDN; the latter is more appropriate to reach low volume portions of the Bank of America’s business. T h e commercial successes of ISDN’s technologies certainly lie ahead! Digital loop carrier presentations stirred considerable interest. The amazing statistic delivered by Bell South was that 50 percent of their line growth was on digital loop carrier, and half of that on fiber! Automated, remotely provisioned systems had indeed revolutionized the loop plant in North America, and served as a model for the rest of the world in the future.